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Chiptuning quad engines: What are the benefits?

Quads have always been considered hybrids between motorcycles and cars. But although they may be half-motorcycle and half-car, there is no doubt they are 100% powerful, agile, and high-performance vehicles.

What is it about?

A quad is what is known as the best of the all-terrain vehicles. Not only do they allow you to move and drive freely like a motorcycle, but they also give you the same stability and robustness as cars.

But what we often neglect to mention is that many manufacturers limit their quads’ performances.  The concerns for the safety of their users and the standardization of performances on their whole product range have justified these limitations.

That being said, there are solutions that allow you to unleash your quad. In this way you can achieve the full performance power that it is actually capable of. In order to do this, you need to proceed to chiptune your quad’s engine. This practice consists of simply entering a group of new functional settings in the engine control unit.

The benefits of quad chiptuning

Contrary to what we may think, chiptuning does not imply any reduction in terms of durability level or engine longevity. A successful chiptuning would make your engine more efficient, and at the same time, more durable.

But the best benefit is that it gains power. With a chiptuning quad, you could head out on hostile terrains and manage to overcome them without compromising your vehicle’s performance. You could also achieve fuel consumption gains or adjust engine sound emissions!

Finally, you would have the possibility to customize how your quad runs to the smallest of details, in order to have the vehicle of your dreams. This is a simple and safe solution, if you leave it up to the knowledgeable experts in the field!

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